--> Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only)
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Thread: Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only)

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Sinister's Avatar
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    Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only)

    Our Dry Angels

    The beginning of this RP was entrusted to me by friends and I mean this to be perfect. This is a Vampire RP based around and inspired by the aesthetic feel of the original vampire tales from such authors as Bram Stoker, Ann Rice, Sheridan Le Fanu and other gothique writers.

    If you wish to participate in this RP please send a PM to either myself, Violet or Xeim.


    Rule 1Vampires are generally not recognized by humans in this RP as being actual creatures except through myths and their presence is only known to a very select bunch of aware humans.

    Rule 2Vampires are required to find a victim to feed off of every seven days or less under penalty of instant death. The feedings do not have to kill the victim.

    Rule 3Vampires cannot make another vampire out of a victim unless they intend to. And if they do, the result is a savage vampire.

    Rule 4Savage vampires may not drink the blood of other vampires, under penalty of instant death, unless it's the vampire that bit them.

    Rule 5The only way to create a pureblood vampire is through the copulation of two vampires, savage or otherwise.

    Rule 6All Vampires must sleep in coffins filled with the dirt of their birthland.

    Rule 7Vampires may not enter a house, domicile or private residence without a direct invitation from the owner.

    Rule 8Vampires may walk in daylight but in so doing are stripped of all of their supernatural powers.

    Rule 9Vampires are not vulnerable to garlic, holy objects or any biblical quotes, artifacts or impedimenta.

    Setting's Time: 14th century with 14th century technology.

    Countries of Setting:

    Sundenen-A series of far northern large foggy islands and accompanying archipelagos kept warm by upward currents of tropically-heated ocean water. The cities are cobble-stoned and filled with huddled masses. The lands are riddled with cliffs and whetted with ocean spray. The land has strong bones and stiff emotionless people. The Grand Castle Wight is the scene of the beginning story arc and where all participating characters must gravitate towards. The Grand Castle Wight is in the city of Stanes.

    Wasserlundt-A creamy green rural land long ago settled by the Gores, tribes of Frankish peoples that built artistic cathedrals and monasteries that were buttressed, arched, domed and spired. Cheeses and fine beefs here are the chief food.

    Etelainen-Etelainen is a relatively small, southern country. Its borders spread throughout a range of snowy mountains, but any towns or cities are located in the common, large valleys. Frozen rivers and lakes are common sight, but actual running water is rare and makes getting drinking drinking water a tedious process. Most of the country is always covered by think, dark clouds that threaten to pour rain or snow at any second.

    The capital city, Jaatynyt, is a peculiar place, as no matter how cold it gets, it never snows. Instead, it is constantly raining heavily, and as soon as that rain hits a surface, it is turned into a slippery, icy substance.

    As the barren lands of Etelainen are impossible to farm, residents must rely on animals and anything they can produce. Maintaining them is a task in itself, and so Etelainen residents often do not have a surplus of food that they can make money off of. Many turn to the mines for that end, as the mountains of the area are rich in precious stones. Residents live in plain, stone houses.

    Verot-A smaller country surrounded by mountains and painted with forests, crawling with beasts. Superstition and myths were born here among the gypsies and nomadic peoples. The thatched-hut villages and stoned fortresses are all ancient with brooding legends. The brandies and ales are legend here as well.

    Jerda-An eastern land where the sun is so bright. Full of venomous and exotic beasts and strange fruits. In this land, women are worshiped and men are mere servants. They are skilled in ways of brutal war and any native child could easily best a man from any other nation.

    Cresck-A wild continent filled with criminals and pirates that rule with anarchy. Money and treasures are chief in this oldest of all places. Diseases run rampant through the hot fetid jungles and around the volcanoes. The place is full of secrets best not known.

    Country format:

    Name:Give a single-to-double word name to your country.
    Geography:Give a brief description of the geographical layout of your country.
    Culture:Give a hint at the local cultures and mindsets of the people, including if necessary, architecture, food and history.


    Ruling pureblood Vampires of all nations are experiencing an overpopulation of savage vampires and can no longer control these vicious and destructive creatures of varying mutations.

    In order to assemble some force to deal with and investigate these monsters, Head Vampire John Wight has called all Vampire Governors of all nations to meet in Grand Castle Wight set in a city, of the country Sundenen, called Stanes. ALL characters must gravitate towards Sundenen from whatever country their creators choose to start them from. Obviously this calls for them to arrange for transport across the ocean, where applicable.

    After having called all the governors there, John Wight is found murdered and the governors are left alone to decide who killed him and why.

    Characters format:


    Country of Birth: (must be one of the above available countries)


    Class: (Governor Vampire, Pureblood Vampire, Savage Vampire or Human)

    Physical Description: (if your character is a savage vampire, give a description of any present physical mutations such as: wings, claws, deformations or unnatural physical qualities, where applicable)


    Powers[Not applicable if human]: (Each governor vampire or pureblood has a choice of four, where savages have a choice of two)

    Supernatural Speed
    Faster than any normal vampire, able to move beyond the seeing powers of a normal eye.

    Supernatural Strength
    The power to multiply their strength several times and control their enemies with their bare hands.

    Supernatural Sense
    The ability to sense impending danger several second before it occurs even if that danger is to loved ones miles upon miles away. The ability to see through lies and deception.

    Supernatural Resource
    The power of unlimited wealth which can buy any number of loyalties, weapons, pleasures, amenities and armies.

    Supernatural Magiks
    The power to conjure magiks of fire, ice and lightening from the palm of your hand. A power that should cause any creature to fear you.

    Supernatural Intellect
    You're not an average vampire. You're scientifically advanced beyond those dullards around you. While they scratch their heads, you know the answer.

    Supernatural Charisma
    Some vampires may have trouble controlling the minds of men or of their own or other savages, but that has never nor will ever be your problem.

    Familiar[Only available if governor or pureblood]: (a short description of your NPC human servant including the one power of yours that you gave him)

    Description of Coffin: (provide a physical description of your vampire's coffin)

    My Character;
    Jean Francois Lafayette:

    Name: Jean Francois Lafayette

    Country of Birth: Wasserlundt

    Age: 78; appears 23

    Class: Governor of Wasserlundt

    Physical Description: Well-proportioned with dark hair that dangles past his shoulders and lays flat against his head. He has gray eyes and pale skin. He tends to look best in fitted suits of black or brown. He has a pen-sharp nose that makes his face look almost avian. He talks with a heavy accent. He usually wears gloves as he doesn't like to feel anything touch his hands.

    Personality: Jean is very self-confident and relies on his confidence more than anything. He can handle any situation…or at least he thinks he can. More than anything he feels if he has to push himself to show exactly how powerful and well justified his self-confidence is. He also relies HEAVILY on his wife's preternatural wisdom and foresight.

    Jean fenced foil once upon a decade ago, but gave the sport up for more cranial pursuits. He never relies upon his strength or health, both which have been known to fail him. He refuses wine, smoke or gambling. He has preferred young men or boys as his victims in many years past, both as a matter of taste and a matter of preference. He loves his wife beyond any measure of suspicion.

    He likes daylight and tries to see it at least once every month or so. He plays contract bridge, chess and occasionally fences. Although he loves his wife, Jean has been known to cheat rather…loosely, on his marriage and is well known for his flirtatious behavior.

    He is a patron of arts, both of Opera and of paintings. He is fond of bathing in blood when available, and is not above killing several humans to achieve a nice sticky bath.

    He keeps a sharpened epee at his side in case some bizarre turn of events requires him to defend himself with more than his inate abilities.

    In Wasserlundt, he employs the service of two pirates, one named McKuen who runs the borders and is Lafayette's personal water taxi and another named Bambatu, as a backup incase McKuen should be captured.. On the side, Lafayette has McKuen attack other ships and bring in material goods to sell.


    1Supernatural Resource
    The power of unlimited wealth which can buy any number of loyalties, weapons, pleasures, amenities and armies.

    2Supernatural Magiks
    The power to conjure magiks of fire, ice and lightening from the palm of your hand. A power that should cause any creature to fear you.

    3Supernatural Intellect
    You're not an average vampire. You're scientifically advanced beyond those dullards around you. While they scratch their heads, you know the answer.

    4Supernatural Charisma
    Some vampires may have trouble controlling the minds of men or of their own or other savages, but that has never nor will ever be your problem.

    Familiar: Marilynn Renee Holmes is a bright blonde Wasserlundtian with a keen and penetrating mind. She often accentuates her master's busied intellect with facts that he may have missed. And in any situation she shows experience guided by intelligence to prove as very good judgement.

    Description of Coffin: Jean's coffin is dark maroon red with a soft white lace interior covered in dirt. It locks from the inside. Etched onto it's wooden skin are the words "I'm best left where I lie. May God Forgive."
    Last edited by Sinister; 10-24-2008 at 09:26 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Ivy Kane

    Country of Birth: Jerda

    Age: 24

    Class: Governess

    Physical Description: Shoulder length black hair. Stands at 5'10”. Oriental/Jerda features. Wears a black dress that is custom to her home land. The dress has faint gold designs of a dragon wrapping around her body. She uses a custom Jerda sword. The blade is as black as her dress. Its name is Daiyu.

    Personality: She is a denizen and creator of her own style of kenpo, thusly named “Pathway to Hell”, or Jigoku no Tsuuro.” Outside of that, she likes to read literature and has a slight arrogant air about her, but not so overbearing that her judgement is blinded. She can merely just back up her crap talk.

    Powers: Super Speed/Strength/Sense/Charisma

    Familiar: A savage vampire with graceful black feathered wings. She was originally a pupil of Ivy's discipline. She still is, for the most part. She was deemed the heir of her style. She was made Ivy's familiar when she was still human, but Ivy decided to make her a vampire for more than just being an heir for her kenpo style. She wanted Fiona to carry on her legacy, in the dire case that she passed away. Fiona has Super Intellect/Resource/Speed. Normally “savage” vampires only have two powers of their own, but as Ivy's familiar, she gained super speed.

    Coffin: Ivy's coffin is a regular boxed crate with Jerda writings on it. Inside the coffin is a mattress and a pillow filled with soft, Jerda soil.
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-24-2008 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Sir Prize Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Sinister's Avatar
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    Very soon I will make the RP thread and post my introduction post. After that, RPers may post their first post. It is suggested that first posts contain background information and introduction to their Characters before their characters begin their over seas journey to Sundenen.

    Toph, seeing that your character is classified as a pureblood and not a governor, you will have to come up with a reason for her to travel to Sundenen(the scene of events). Perhaps John Wight invited Ivy as a matter of courtesy or maybe Ivy heard from a Governor that there would be a meeting that she wanted to participate in or bear witness to.

    All creative details such as geography features, storms or any plot variables are left entirely responsible to the RPer. Have fun and be inventive. ^^

    Last edited by Sinister; 08-24-2008 at 04:06 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  4. #4
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    Name: Governor Lord, Nailim Renres

    Country of Birth: Sundenen

    Age: 312

    Class: Governor Vampire

    Physical Description: Standing just under 2 meters, Governor Lord, Nailim Renres of Sundenen marks as the most intimidating of his kind. His shadow like hair rests gently past his shoulders. In battle or court he secures it with an opal etched pin. Eyes, slight of green, pierce all to their core. He dons a tunic as dark as the moonless sky and leggings darker. He secures his scabbard with a gold chain to his waist. The sable cloak that rests atop a fine linen shirt is adorned with the crest of his troupe: The Darkness.

    Personality: Governor Lord, Renres is considered to despise the continuous prattle of those around him. His mood is highly dependent on how long his last feeding occurred. When he hungers, it is you could say suicidal to be nearby. The solitude that surrounds his rule has been noted as the entrancement of a whisper. Those of his company consists of his familiar, Kai a young man who was always fascinated with that of the occult as well as the darker ways to life, and his advisors. Aside those, few enter his hall.

    Supernatural Speed
    Supernatural Strength
    Supernatural Resource
    Supernatural Intellect

    Familiar: Kai, a young man of only 22 serves his grace. He comes from one of the many islands that make up Sundenen. Kai was to be sustenance... instead he became something much more. Kai was touched with a dark speed that allows him to deliver his grace's messages and commands without chaste.

    Description of Coffin: The oval shaped coffin that restores his grace is encrusted with gold incantations of the old world. His chamber has but a torch and his resting place. None may enter but his grace and the familiar Kai.
    Last edited by Zell Dincht; 08-24-2008 at 06:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Victoria's Avatar
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    It's not too late to change her up to be the Governor, is it? I think it would be all right, in any case.

  6. #6
    Sir Prize Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Sinister's Avatar
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    No, go ahead. Prolly would make things a little easier. Besides I kind of pictured Ivy as a governess anyway. ^^

    Excellent profiles, both of you, btw. ^^
    Last edited by Sinister; 08-24-2008 at 06:40 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  7. #7
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    One Question Sin, how many people are you intending to recruit before beginning the rp? Do you want to have all countries represented or.....

  8. #8
    Sir Prize Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Sinister's Avatar
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    All countries will be represented but whether or not they're key characters that'll play a roll in the plot depends on how many sign up. And if anyone wants more than one character, they're obviously welcome to it.

    Last edited by Sinister; 08-26-2008 at 11:20 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  9. #9
    Morning Always Comes Our Dry Angels[Vampire RP](Invite by Request only) Xeim's Avatar
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    Here's my character's home country:

    Name: Etelainen

    Etelainen is a relatively small, southern country. Its borders spread throughout a range of snowy mountains, but any towns or cities are located in the common, large valleys. Frozen rivers and lakes are common sight, but actual running water is rare and makes getting drinking drinking water a tedious process. Most of the country is always covered by think, dark clouds that threaten to pour rain or snow at any second.

    The capital city, Jaatynyt, is a peculiar place, as no matter how cold it gets, it never snows. Instead, it is constantly raining heavily, and as soon as that rain hits a surface, it is turned into a slippery, icy substance.

    Culture: As the barren lands of Etelainen are impossible to farm, residents must rely on animals and anything they can produce. Maintaining them is a task in itself, and so Etelainen residents often do not have a surplus of food that they can make money off of. Many turn to the mines for that end, as the mountains of the area are rich in precious stones. Residents live in plain, stone houses.


    And here's my character:

    Name: Arabelle Weiss
    Country of Birth: Etelainen
    Age: 68; appears 22
    Class: Governor of Etelainen

    Physical Description: Arabelle has emerald eyes and long, curly black hair that is tied up in a bun. A few strands hang down to about her chin to frame her thin, elegant face. She wears a black, strapped dress with a red corset and black, lace up, knee high boots that generally aren't visible. She is approximately 5'7".

    Personality: Arabelle is cold and cynical. That doesn't mean she rarely speaks, on the contrary Arabelle is quite pleased to share her pessimistic views. It is often that she is a participant in a conversation, and she easily turns it sour. She is an unexpected socialite, in the sense that she is not content unless she is darkening the mood. However, she is known to have a horribly flirtatious side that can often make her dark comments sound sarcastic. She also enjoys flirting with her victims, just for the fun of it. Her voice is low and teasing.

    She is horribly vain, and refuses to be seen in public unless her appearance is considered flawless. That is not to say that she will have a fit if her appearance is disrupted while out, as that would be an unsightly display of an ugly emotion.

    The power of "supernatural sense" is especially strong with her, and she is sometimes able to sense things as far into the future as a few months. These visions are not always shared with people they might be useful to; Arabelle only reveals information if it benefits her in some way.

    She secretly loves to play the harpsichord, but would never admit it publicly to a soul other than her familiar.

    Supernatural Speed
    Supernatural Sense
    Supernatural Intellect
    Supernatural Charisma

    Familiar: Arabelle's familiar is a young, soft spoken man named Terrence, who has dark brown eyes and long hair of the same color. He keeps his hair tied back into a neat, loose ponytail that falls to his waist. He is submissive by nature, and does not resist anything his master throws his way, he often even appears to enjoy it. He also never attempts to oppose her views; her word is law and her opinions are always supported by him.

    Description of Coffin: Arabelle's coffin is made of a dark grey stone. The top holds a sapphire cross and has the words " I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore," carved beneath it. The inside is lined with maroon silk and covered in dirt.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  10. #10
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    *whistles whistles*

    Just wondering how people are doing, there hasn't been any other introduction posts besides Sinister and myself. I'm just poking playfully

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